That’s What She Said
“If one person can sit through this play and feel less alone and seen because of it, then I’ve done my job and for me, that’s it.”
– Josie Gazard (playwright, survivor advocate)

A 19-year-old girl has just moved from her country town home to a residential college in the city. Life is bliss – friends, parties, uni life. However, when the unexpected occurs, she is forced to re-examine the culture of her new home as she grapples with receiving justice in a system built on her word against his.
Written as a response to the ongoing problem of sexual violence on university campuses, ‘That’s What She Said’ asks us to examine what exactly the system is (or isn’t) doing to protect victims and prevent these crimes.
Written and performed by Josephine Gazard
Directed by Suzanne Millar
Presented by CrissCross Productions
Walkley Award winning journalist and lead author of The Red Zone Report, Nina Funnell reports:
“Josephine’s one woman, 75-minute performance was selected to be performed at the Storyteller festival in 2022, where Josephine received a full standing ovation.”
“Already the play has attracted the support of some powerful figures in the theatre world including Suzie Miller, author of Prima Facie.”
‘That’s What She Said’ is partnering with With You We Can to host panels following Saturday performances. Panels will tackle subjects such as consent education, the legal system, sexual assault in First Nations communities and rape on campus.
Director and Co-Founder of With You We Can Sarah Rosenberg says, “Universities have the opportunity to offer victims the validation that the criminal justice system doesn’t. Instead, we’re seeing re-traumatisation and a lack of discipline just the same.”
May 6
Anna Coutts-Trotter
Harrison James
May 13
Nina Funnell
Sarah Rosenberg
Katrina Marson
May 20
Ashlee Donohue
Bronwyn Penrith
May 27
Camille Schloeffel
Sarah Hanson Young
Sarah Williams
Natalie Brown
Saturdays @ 5pm with panel
Sundays and Mondays @ 7.30pm
KXT Vault
181 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007